Curbside Classic Clue

I’m going to try to stay ahead of the curve and keep CC Clue coming a bit more consistently.

I’m going to try to stay ahead of the curve and keep CC Clue coming a bit more consistently. Too often, I don’t decide what I’m going to do for the next day’s CC until after dinner, or even in the morning. Well, it’s almost dinner time now, but at least I’ve decided. And some good wine won’t hurt either, although it sometimes does lead to a more…uhm…subjective (exaggerated?)  style of writing, like this one. Well, today’s mystery car is historically significant (oops; well they all are!), so I’d better keep my wits about me. Kudos to big_gms for being the only one to identify the 1976 Honda Accord. That was a bit tricky. This one might be too.