Final Fantasy 15 Director Talks About Upcoming DLC, Frame Rates and Potential PC Version

Final Fantasy 15 director Hajime Tabata talks about the game’s upcoming DLC plans, and other technical aspects such as frame rates, PC ports, and design choices.

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Ever since Square Enix held its Uncovered: Final Fantasy XV eventa couple of weeks ago,director Hajime Tabata has been busy making the press rounds, and slowly trickling out details about the highly-anticipated JRPG. Today, Tabata revealed some very interesting details in relation to Square Enix’s post-launch DLC plans, and various technical aspects in the development of Final Fantasy XV .

Speaking to the French website JuexVideo, Tabata revealed that the development team is in the process of planning out the DLC for Final Fantasy XV. While announcements won’t be arriving until the Summer, Tabata did state that the team is aiming to create DLC that will prolong the pleasure of playing the game, as well as create enthusiasm amongst gamers.

Having previously stated that a PC version of Final Fantasy XV is “under consideration”, Tabata has reiterated his interest in releasing the game on PC. The team is currently focused on the console version of the game at the moment, but Tabata stated that he is interested in doing a PC version afterwards because it would free the team up from any console limitations, and allow the them to push the game to a new technical level. However, should this PC version come to fruition, it will be a bit of a wait as this version would kick off a presumably length porting process. Having said that, the wait sounds like it will be worth it, as this hypothetical PC version of Final Fantasy XV could end up being far more than a simple console port, and fans are probably used to waiting by now.

final fantasy 15 noctis fire explosion magic

final fantasy 15 noctis fire explosion magic

Following some concerns over the frame rate in the Final Fantasy XV Platinum Demo , Tabata has said that the final product will meet the team’s target of 30 frames per second. Reassuringly, the team has finalized what is going to be seen on screen, and are currently focused on optimizing the game’s visuals and gameplay balance from now until the title’s September 30 release.

And finally, Final Fantasy XV will apparently feature fewer cinematic cut-scenes than in previous Final Fantasy games. The reasoning behind this decision is that rather than use excessive cinematic scenes for the game, Square Enix wanted to save them up for the upcoming Final Fantasy XV film. This shouldn’t be much of an issue, given that Final Fantasy XV looks fantastic, and the game’s current visuals are almost on par with cinematic cutscenes anyway.

Final Fantasy XV is scheduled for launch on September 30, 2016 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Source: JuexVideo(via DualShockers)