Chrysler’s New Viability Plan: Cheap Flash-Based Games

OK, so I don’t expect (most of) the B&B to be entertained by a Flash-based, Frogger-clone “driving game” for more than a few seconds, but if iMotor’s “Save Chrysler” game isn’t a sign of the times I don’t know what is.

isn’t a sign of the times I don’t know what is. The gist? Choose from Chrysler’s best products (PT Cruiser, Sebring Convertible, Viper ACR or The General Lee) and hit the road to keep Chrysler afloat. Avoid other cars and hit bonus icons to earn “cash” and weeks of viability for the Cerburian dog. Best of all, when you hit a Fiat logo you get to hear “Mama Mia!” and when you hit a Terminatoricon you can hear Arnie assure you that he’ll “be back.” Hilarity! Now if only revamping Chrysler were as easy as not crashing a PT Cruiser, we’d be getting somewhere. Sadly, mashing arrow keys has not yet been proven to have a salutory effect on failing businesses.