Sausage Fight! Decadent Daimler Shareholders Tangle in Bratwurst Brouhaha

Sometimes, stereotypes exist for a reason.

Things got heated yesterday at a Daimler AG shareholders meeting in Germany, where a fight broke out over lengthy, plump sausages, Bloomberghas reported.

This, despite the fact the lucky shareholders were told they’d be receiving the biggest dividend in the company’s history — 3.25 euros ($3.70) per share. You’d think the windfall would have tempered flare-ups, but you’d be wrong.

Daimler had budgeted for 12,500 bratwursts to feed the 5,500 people at the buffet-style luncheon. If math isn’t your strong suit, that works out to two sausages and a tip for each shareholder.

One shareholder thought he could take off with a pile of the encased meat tubes, and police had to be called after a pissed off (and likely very hungry) female shareholder got into a verbal altercation with him. This is how regional wars begin.

Apparently, there were also big pretzels available at the buffet, the kind you eat with a napkin while holding a little container of mustard in your other hand. At this time, we can’t confirm rumors that the shareholders arrived at the meeting in dirigibles and autogyros.

After the sausage tensions simmered down, Daimler chairman Manfred Bischoff remarked, “Either we need more sausages, or we’ll have to get rid of the sausages entirely.”

Anyone who knows the joy of receiving free sausages can bet there’s now a “don’t invite” notice next to that one shareholder’s name.

[Image: cyclonebill/ Flickr ( CC BY-SA 2.0)]