Black Ops 3 Season Pass Offers Remakes of World at War Maps

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 ‘s season pass will feature “re-imagined” maps from Call of Duty: World at War ; however, the pass isn’t available on Xbox 360.

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Although Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 ‘s multiplayeroffers players plenty of things to do – from the range of super-powered specialists to the new and impressive movement system – fans have been eager to find out what downloadable content will be available post-launch keeping the game feeling fresh. However, although the game’s publisher Activision has yet to reveal any screenshots for Black Ops 3 ‘s season pass, the game’s official listing on the Xbox store reveals that long-time Call of Duty should be pleased with its content.

The season pass’ description, which was recently updated, explains that in 2016, Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 players will be able to buy four DLC packs. These DLC packs will include “all-new multiplayer content” , but they’ll also include “re-imagined fan-favorite maps” from Call of Duty: World at War as well as the previous Black Ops games. One of these remakes is The Giant for the Zombies game mode; it’s a remake of Der Rieseand it allows players to battle zombies in a World War 2 research facility, use the “weapon upgrading” pack-a-punch machine, and “re-live the chaos” of the original map, “picking up the Zombies story with Dempsey, Nikolai, Richtofen, and Takeo where Origins left off”.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 season pass listing

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 season pass listing

Some fans will be over the moon by this news as it means that they won’t have to fire up their last-gen consoles just to play through their favorite maps but others will be disappointed, as they will have hoped that their season pass would have included entirely new content rather than content they’ve already played (albeit without the current gen visual sheen and revamp). The fact that Nuk3town (a pre-order bonus based on the Nuketown series of maps)is also being added to Black Ops 3 won’t do much to alleviate their concerns either.

Also set to frustrate some gamers is the fact that neither The Giant map nor the season pass will be available in the Xbox 360 version of the game. While it’s currently unclear whether the PS3 version of Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 will miss out on the extra content as well, last-gen gamers have already been hit with the news that their version of Black Ops 3 only has the Zombies and multiplayer game modes, with the campaign mode being cut from the game. This could also stoke fears that Black Ops 3 will be the last Call of Duty game on the aging consoles.

Source: Store Xbox