The Division’s daily missions haven’t updated… again

The Division’s daily missions haven’t updated… again
Monday, 18 April 2016 10:35 GMT By Matt Martin
Complete the Madison Field Hospital mission for the third day running.


The Division’s daily missions haven’t changed for the past three days.

Still, at least they’re playable and haven’t disappeared completely.

Daily missions should rotate every 24 hours, tasking the player with two Hard and one Challenging difficulty mission. Complete them and be rewarded with the all-important Phoenix Credits and a High-End loot drop from the final boss.

But from Saturday to Monday the missions have remained the same: Lincoln Tunnel Checkpoint is your Challenge mode, Hudson Refugee Camp and Madison Field Field Hospital on Hard. That’s the same Madison Field Hospital mission you hammered in the closed and open betas.

I’m all for assignments and daily missions. They take around 15-20 minutes to solo and the rewards are worth the time. But there’s 16 missions in the game that we can try on Hard. Massive needs to switch it up.

And while we’re at it, maybe create more than four alternatives for Challenge mode?

This seems to be one of many little bugs that have crept into The Division since last week’s 1.1 Incursions update. It’s not game-breaking, it’s not a disaster, but it is another niggle in a long list of complaintsbeing thrown at Ubisoft.

Here’s hoping tomorrow’s weekly downtime will fix it.

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