A Second Chance At The Lambrecht Chevrolets

If the numbers truly don’t lie, then TTAC readers are extremely interested in the Lambrecht Chevrolet saga ; it’s been one of our biggest stories of the year.

; it’s been one of our biggest stories of the year. And now, there’s a coda of sorts to the ultimate old-cars-in-the barn tale.

Although the auction house that set up the Lambrecht sale had fairly strict regulations in place regarding bidder qualifications, a fair number of winners apparently decided to walk away from their trophies. Either that, or — let’s not even whisper it —- there was some heavy shilling going on, with or without the knowledge of the players involved. Regardless, there are several cars still available. This time, they’re being listed online.

It’s no surprise that the hot stuff from the original auction didn’t get left on the table; unless you’ve been waiting your entire life for a burned-out ’53 Bel Air or a pre-crashed ’73 Malibu coupe, this won’t exactly feel like Barrett-Jackson to you. With that said, experienced restorers in search of a project or a VIN will find a few likely candidates among the detritus. Right now the bidding on most of them has stayed well under a grand. You can barely get a decent pair of shoes for that kind of money, you know!