Mechanical doping: Belgian cyclist won't defend charges, quits the sport

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Motorised bike discovered at championship

A concealed motor is discovered inside European champion Femke Van den Driessche's bike frame at the world cyclo-cross championship in Zolder, Belgium.

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The Belgian cyclist at the heart of the sport's first mechanical doping scandal says she will not defend herself at a disciplinary hearing this week and is quitting the sport.

Femke Van Den Driessche, 19, was accused of using a concealed motor in her bike during the under-23 cyclo-cross world championships in January in Belgium.

In February, Belgian rider Femke Van den Driessche claimed she was innocent of mechanical doping. She later quit the sport.

In February, Belgian rider Femke Van den Driessche claimed she was innocent of mechanical doping. She later quit the sport. Photo: Belgian TV via YouTube

She said in a statement that the costs of defending herself before the sport's governing body, the UCI, would be too expensive.


The rider says she has "decided to quit cyclo-cross" and that "acquittal would be impossible".

The motorised bike was found in her competition area at the championships. She claimed the bike belonged to a friend.