Man Murders Lamborghini, Story Kills Website

When you get bad service from a dealer, you either suck it in.

When you get bad service from a dealer, you either suck it in. Or you start a At worst, you picket the dealer.

What do people in China do? They call in a bunch of guys with sledgehammers. To smash a $750,000 Lamborghini.

A few months ago, a Chinese entrepreneur could not start his brand new Lamborghini Gallardo. He called the dealer in Qingdao. They sent a truck and picked up the car. According to China Car Times, the Gallardo came back with “the engine problem not fixed, and the bumper and chassis were found damaged.”

After arguments with the dealership and Lamborghini representatives, the owner decided to have the car smashed up on March 15. Which happened to be World Consumer Rights Day. The UK Daily Mailvalues the car as close to $750,000 – before it was smashed.

The Gallardo owner hired a group of men, put them in nice blue uniforms, gave them a sledgehammer each and had them destroy the car.

The story claimed another casualty: Chinacartimes. The sledgehammer story caused so many hits on the site that it went down.