Man completes blind backflip over speeding Formula E racer

Professional stuntman Damien Walters successfully completed one of his most terrifying stunts yet.

The stunt was organized by the people running the Formula E Championship, and saw Walters execute a blind backflip over one of the championship’s electric race cars traveling at precisely 60 mph.

Walters, who has performed stunts for numerous Hollywood movies, makes it look easy but there were two days of preparation to get everything right. Behind the wheel was stunt driver Alistair Whitton who rightly describes the stunt as "crazy."

Although the jump was blind, Walters had a little help. A visible digital clock identified the exact time he needed to jump—6.6 seconds after the car started. If he jumped too early he would have hit the back of the car with his head; too late and the car would have crashed into his legs.

Below is a 360-degree view of the stunt so you can view it in multiple angles.


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