Generation Why: Scion May Eclipse GM For Stupid Market Move Of 2012

Coming straight out of the “I can’t believe people get paid for this nonsense” department is Scion’s new marketing initiative; picking heavy metal-listeners as its next target demographic.

Scion’s Jeri Yoshizu, told AdWeek

“We really put a lot of effort into the metal market because they actually buy cars…All those negative things about these kids, it’s changing. They recognize value.”

Lacking any data, it’s difficult to pin down how large the metalhead community is in the United States. The percentage of metalheads who will buy a car based on Scion’s support of concerts and “lifestyle events” can’t be large enough to make an appreciable difference in Scion’s sales.

But you know what: Yoshizu asserts that metalheads “…actually buy cars”, so let’s just take that at face value. Also, don’t forget that metal fans are

“not necessarily trying to be a trendsetter, but more of a thought leader. They’re really into journalism. Their blogs are like 2,000 words [each]. They’re really smart kids.”

What does that mean? It sounds like the automotive marketing version of Miss Teen South Carolina’s infamous ramble. Pro tip: the moment you hear anything like “thought leader” it’s a safe bet that the speaker has no  idea what they’re talking about.

Maybe if Mercury had started marketing to juggalos, things would have turned out different.