LinkedIn unveils app to help students search for jobs

LinkedIn has unveiled a LinkedIn Students app that is tailored specifically for soon-to-be college graduates looking for jobs.

By tech2 News Staff /  19 Apr 2016 , 12:43

app that is tailored specifically for soon-to-be college graduates looking for jobs. Available for iOS and Android, the app will use insights from LinkedIn’s database of over 400 million professionals and helps students discover jobs that are best fit for them with their major, companies that intend to hire from their school and the career paths of recent alumni with similar degrees.

Explaining in ahow the app works, LinkedIn says that the app helps students tackle their college to career transition by providing them a sort of personal job exploration guide, providing tailored job related recommendations based on real data from the career path of other successful professionals.

Along with job recommendations, the app also provides curated articles for the students’ benefit.

The app is available only in the United States for now.

Late last year, LinkedIn launched a similar project for students across India 鈥斅�strong> LinkedIn Placements.It was developed locally by more than 40 LinkedIn employees and enabled students to apply for jobs from anywhere and anytime and stay informed.

Tags: Android, college graduates, iOS, Job Search, LinkedIn, Students app, United States