Static Podcast: Greatest Hits

It’s Static’s Greatest Hits!

It’s Static’s Greatest Hits! In our favorite segments from seasons one and two, we chat about That Dragon Cancer, sourdough made from vaginal yeast, e-Sports in Australia and feelings about hoverboards.

Also, we find out: is it legal to sunbathe naked, be fired for being overweight or smash a car window to save a pet in an overheating car? Plus we chat to prominent string theorist Professor Brian Greene.

Watch the expanded show in videoor subscribe to the audio feed via iTunesand Pocket Casts.

In this episode of Static, host Rae Johnston is joined by Kotaku Australia’s Mark Serrels and Alex Walker, Lifehacker Australia’s Chris Jager and Spandas Lui, Campbell Simpson and Hayley Williams from Gizmodo Australia and Early morning Editor Amanda Yeo.

As always, a big thanks to The X Studio.

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