Quantum Break bugs being fixed by Remedy

Quantum Break was released last week on April 5th.

Quantum Break was released last week on April 5th. So far, it has seen a nice range of positive reviews. As with many games these days, however, it is hard to release a huge title such as this without a few bugs. Perhaps these reviews can go up even more after some patches are made.

Remedy Entertainment has heard the signs of some issues with their latest title and they are jumping right on top of them. In a very, they have thanked all fans for the success of the title and promise that they are working diligently to fix any and all issues that are currently affecting Quantum Break. Some of these issues include a stuttering frame rate, crashing on launch, poor image quality, and more.

Once a few patches take care of these issues, there is no telling what can happen with this title. Quantum Break is already the biggest selling new Microsoft IP of this generation. Get it now on PC or Xbox One.