Six Flags Is Bringing VR To Real Life Roller Coasters

Six Flags announces that a new virtual reality tie-in will allow theme park visitors to use a Samung Gear VR while on a rollercoaster in real life.

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Six Flags operates many amusement parks around the globe, and the giant corporation is no stranger to the videogame industry. This might be why it has now jumped into bed with the Samsung Gear VR, granting theme park visitors the ability to jump into a virtual world as they get rocketed 60 miles per hour on a loop de loop in real life.

The virtual reality experience is being called the New Revolution , and it isn’t a 4D-esque separate ride: riders will strap into the Samsung Gear whilst on existing rollercoasters across no less than nine different Six Flags locations. The visuals in the VR headset are synchronized with the ride, so that riders will be able to truly immerse themselves into the headset. Think a regular rollercoaster ride, but suddenly your view is from a fighter jet’s cockpit and you’re shooting at a dinosaur.

There’s no doubt that virtual reality is a game-changerwhen it comes to immersive content, and this idea is probably one of the most exciting ways we’ve seen yet to introduce the burgeoning VR industry with mainstream consumers.

While not being able to actually see what’s actually around you while you plummet towards the Earth sounds horrifying, we’re sure many will be lining up to get a taste of the innovative concept. The public release date for the VR experience hasn’t bee officially revealed, though Six Flags will be letting Season’s Pass holders enjoy some technical rehearsals as they prepare to release the metaphorical floodgates. The experience won’t be available to anyone under 12 years old, so it looks like the New Revolution is rated T for Teen.

This changes everything. You will be transported to a futuristic battle to save planet earth from an alien invasion. Co-pilot your own fighter jet as you strap in for air-to-air combat. As your virtual plane ascends out of a secret bunker, test fire your weapon using the world’s first-ever interactive gameplay technology on a roller coaster. Then race through the city where you’ll battle drones to reach and destroy a mother ship.

From our own experience, we’ve felt the pangs of motion sickness when sitting down with an Oculus Riftto go on a virtual roller coaster ride. This can get disorienting pretty quickly, as your body unintentionally braces itself for things like banks and turns, but most gamers tend to be sitting in a stationary chair, creating an eerie dissonance between body and mind. Since those who try out the New Revolution will be strapped in to the real deal, however, Six Flags states that motion sickness shouldn’t be an issue:

Because the visuals on the virtual reality screen are synched precisely with the coaster’s drops, twists, and turns, there is no motion sickness as some might expect,” it said. “As you see the 3D movements through your headgear, your body experiences the identical motion of the coaster, creating an unbelievably thrilling experience. Unlike watching the visuals while standing still, there should be no adverse effect.

We haven’t been this excited for anything called the Revolution since Nintendo used it as a code-name for the Wii, which also did its part in bringing motion-based gameplay to a mainstream audience.

Only time will tell if the New Revolution will live up to its rather presumptuous name. In any event, we don’t envy the park employee who has to wipe down all the sweat from the Samsung Gear VRs between riders, but the concept of VR while on a rollercoaster is certainly an exciting idea, and Six Flags deserves some kudos for giving it the green light.

Source: GameSpot