Telltale Games Confirms Work on New IP

Over the past few years, Telltale Games has gone from a hit-or-miss adventure game developer to a premiere player in the triple-A space.

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has gone from a hit-or-miss adventure game developer to a premiere player in the triple-A space. Their work on The Walking Dead not only re-established the company as a heavy weight, but also pushed them to the forefront when it came to most anticipated releases.

And while The Walking Dead could have easily been a one-off fluke for Telltale, their work on The Wolf Among Us and Season 2 of TWD proved otherwise. More importantly, the success of those games has helped the developer secure licensing deals with some pretty major properties, like Game of Thrones and Borderlands . For all intents and purposes, Telltale has become the developer to beat when it comes to tie-in games.

Even so, Telltale does not want to be known simply for their work adapting other peoples’ properties. Sure, they have an exciting selection of games in their stable, but that will soon include a completely new IP as well.

News of Telltale’s new IP comes by way of Kevin Bruner, who was just announced as Telltale’s new CEO. Bruner helped found Telltale in 2004 and served as CTO/President, but is now taking over a bigger role as the company grows.

Part of that growth will obviously include more Game of Thrones episodesand The Walking Dead seasons, but this new IP is an equally intriguing proposition. We don’t know much about the game at all, but if the developer can take their storytelling strengths and adapt them to a world of their choosing that could be the recipe for success.

“We’re already working on some of the biggest franchises in entertainment, and when you add our unannounced partnerships and upcoming original IP, it’s clear the most exciting time to be at Telltale is now, and there will continue to be more and more opportunity to innovate ahead of us.”

There’s no doubt that The Walking Dead template has worked well for Telltale over the past few years, but it’s only going to get them so far. Promoting Kevin Bruner to CEO suggests they aren’t willing to remain stagnant, but want to keep Telltale relevant in the long term.

Are you excited to see a new IP from Telltale Games? What are your hopes for the new game?

Source: IGN