Fallout Shelter Adds First Fallout 4 Character to Mobile Game

Bethesda’s first ever E3 press conference was a huge success, thanks in large part to epic new gameplay footage of highly anticipated games such as DOOM and what is quite possibly 2015’s most anticipated game, Fallout 4 .

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. However, a small, quirky mobile spinoff of Fallout also managed to attract considerable attention in the form of the addicting Fallout Shelter .

Since its surprise E3 night launch,has proven to be a great success for Bethesda in the mobile space, and as such, the game is being expanded to feature additional content. Namely, a brand new Legendary Dweller has been added to the game in the form of Preston Garvey, and players can acquire him starting right now.

For those unaware, Preston Garvey is a character from the upcoming Fallout 4 , associated with the in-game faction of the Commonwealth Minutemen. He wields the oddly named and dangerous weapon known as the Laser Musket, which can also be utilized by his character in Fallout Shelter .

For those that wish to add Preston Garvey to their vault to join the rest of their dwellers, they will need to be lucky enough to receive him from a lunchbox. Lunchboxes are the driving monetary force behind Fallout Shelter . The game has no timer paywalls or anything like that, but rather players have the choice to purchase lunchboxes with real world currency as opposed to just obtaining them in-game. Lunchboxes contain cards that add content to the vaults, including new dwellers, but whenever a lunchbox is opened, players have no idea what’s going to be inside.

Fallout Shelter - Preson Garvey lunchbox

Fallout Shelter - Preson Garvey lunchbox

Adding Preston Garvey to the game is a smart move on Bethesda’s part. Not only does it make Fallout Shelter a more desirable prospect to those that are only interested in Fallout 4 , but it also helps promote Fallout 4 itself to mobile gamers. Bethesda notes that Preston Garvey is the “first” Fallout 4 character to be added to Fallout Shelter , so fans can expect other characters from the game to be added in the coming months, as well as following the launch of Fallout 4 on November 10th of this year.

Fallout Shelter is currently available as a free download for iOS devices, with an Android port expected in the coming months.

Source: Bethesda Blog