No Man’s Sky Features an ‘Intergalactic Pokedex’

No Man’s Sky is undoubtedly one of the most exciting games set to be released in the immediate future.

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is undoubtedly one of the most exciting games set to be released in the immediate future. Ever since it was announced at VGX 2013, Hello Games’ hugely ambitious space exploration simulator has only become more intriguing with every new bit of information and snippet of gameplay footage.

E3 2015 provided us with our best look yet at whathas to offer, pulling back the curtain on the systems that will tie the experience together. One mechanic that looks like it will be very important in the full game is its journal, which director Sean Murray compares to the iconic Pokedex from the Pokemon series.

Speaking to Games Radar, Murray described the game’s ‘intergalactic Pokedex’ as ‘a very cool thing’. For a game with such a grand sense of scale, it’s easy to see why players would need a way of recording their findings as they explore its randomly generated universe.

The journal will allow players to look back on the planets that they’ve discovered, as well as the flora and fauna that inhabit them. It will also provide an easy way for them to fast travel around to locations they’ve already visited, with screenshots to remind them exactly where it is they’re headed.

No Man's Sky dinosaur

No Man's Sky dinosaur

Exploration is the core focus of No Man’s Sky , so this sort of system is something of a must-have. Without it, players would likely spend most of their time lost — not to mention the fact that they wouldn’t have a tangible record of everything they achieve on their travels.

The main criticism that’s been levelled against No Man’s Sky is confusion with regards to the game’s overall objective. This Pokedex-inspired journal might offer just that, giving players a reason to explore beyond just wanting to see what the next planet in the system has to offer.

Of course, the difference between No Man’s Sky and Pokemon is that the latter challenges players to complete their Pokedex. The randomly generated nature of No Man’s Sky suggests that players won’t be able to accomplish that same feat, but we won’t know for sure what ‘completing’ the game entails until it releases.

Given that there’s no solid word on when that might come about, the speculation that has surrounded the game since it was announced seems set to continue. Let’s hope Hello Games can make good on the promises being made, rather than under-deliver when fans get their hands on the finished product.

No Man’s Sky is set to launch for PlayStation 4 and PC.

Source: Games Radar