New The Division Trailer Highlights the Story & Agent’s Journey

A new trailer for Tom Clancy’s The Division highlights an overarching story for the game while showing off a number of new environments like player safe houses and gameplay footage.

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With the release date forfinally nearing after multiple delays, the marketing machine at Ubisoft has begun to get in gear. And this week, the developer has dropped a brand new trailer featuring some teases of the story as well as gameplay. New environments like player safe houses, underground subway lines, and the Brooklyn Bridge are prominently shown in addition to another glimpse at the player versus player oriented Dark Zone.

As the trailer begins, a narrator speaks over the gameplay, offering insights into the origins of your character and their decision to join The Division . As the trailer progresses, the narrator reveals that it’s up to the player how the city is rebuilt, showing the Joint Task Force central hub first in disrepair before it is slowly upgraded over time.

Upgrades to the hub will be influenced by the player’s actions, which include story based missions, side missions, and completing bounties. These bounties pit the player against a boss style character, like the gang member known as ‘Iceman’ in the trailer.

A lot of new game footage is also shown, including what appears to be cut scenes depicting a mob attacking a police vehicle, characters being executed, and new characters joining the cause and helping in any way they can. The trailer also shows off a lot of the central base of operations, and how the base continues to grow and upgradebased on the player completing missions surround the three major departments: security, medical, and technology.

The more missions the player finishes for each department, the more it grows and offers new gear and abilities to the character. At one point in the video, a Canine Unit is shown in what appears to be the upgraded security wing.

For guaranteed access, players are encouraged to pre-order the game or they can gain access by picking up the Tom Clancy bundle on the Humble Bundlewebsite. As of now, Ubisoft has not detailed any alternative ways of getting into the beta.

Does the trailer get you excited for the game or do you need a few more pieces of information to hit before you climb aboard the hype train? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments below.

Tom Clancy’s The Division launches on March 8 for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

Source: YouTube