Division Guide: How to Maximize Critical Hits With Weapons & Gear

As with any good looter shooter, or loot-focused game for that matter, one of the main appeals of Tom Clancy’s The Division is numbers.

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is numbers. More specifically, making the numbers go up. As players increase in power or acquire better gearthey hope to see their numbers increase, both damage numbers and in their basic stats.

However, someplayers might have hit a certain precipice and be unaware how to take things further. If your DPS is above 100,000 then you are headed in the right direction, but there are ways to keep pushing damage without sacrificing too much health or skill power.

A key component of increasing DPS is Critical Hits, which are the orange colored damage numbers that fly off an enemy. Critical Hits can be either body shots or headshots, with headshots being the most damaging.

In order to increase those Critical Hits, and make sure that each hit does maximum damage, players will need to find gear that carries those two stats: Critical Hit Chance and Critical Hit Damage. Both are pretty self explanatory, but not everyone studies the numbers as closely as others. So, to help certain players out, one Division fan has put together a run-down of every Critical Hit and Critical Damage percentage, and what pieces of gear it can appear on.

Critical Hit Chance (Capped at 60% from items)

Gloves (5-6.5%) Mask (4-5%) Mods (1.5% each – Gear Mod Slots x 1.5%) Weapon – SMG bonus (20-26%) Weapon mod – Magazine (~8%) Weapon mod – Muzzle (~8%) Weapon mod – Optics (~8%) Weapon – Adept (Skill increases your critical hits chance by 3% for X seconds) Weapon – Astute: (9.5% crit chance for the first 3 bullets from the magazine) Weapon – Fierce (~8%) Weapon – Proficient (The first bullet shot when out of combat has a ?% chance to result in a critical hit.) Weapon – Savage (13% crit chance to people out of cover) Weapon – Theotherone (11% crit chance for the first round after reloading) Weapon – Vicious (Critical hit chance is increased by 10-15% while at full health)

Critical Hit Damage (Uncapped) Gloves (30-37%) Backpack (15-18%) Knee Pads (15-18%) Weapon – Deadly (~26%) Weapon mod – Magazine (~30-39%) Weapon mod – Muzzle (~30-39%)

For gear, however, there are two options. If the item is a crafted one, then again you could craft a new one and cross your fingers. Or you can head up to the Recalibration station in the Tech Wingand try to change your stat. Using the Recalibration station, players can change one stat on their gear for either credits (on Superior level items) or Phoenix Credits(on High-End items). You can re-roll the stat as many times as you like, but the price goes up with each consecutive roll – to the point it becomes inordinately expensive and not worth the trouble.

It’s worth point out as well that Critical Hit Chance caps out at 60%, so trying to go any higher than that will not increase your results. Instead it’s better to focus on damage, which doesn’t have any sort of cap.

Division High End Gear Nerf

Division High End Gear Nerf

Moreover, there are other factors that can increase Critical Hit Chance and Critical Hit Damage, including the Pulse ability, using an SMG (all SMGs have a base Critical Hit Damage percentage), and some high-end weapon talents. These will all help boost critical hits, but they are harder to account for. Gear, on the other hand, has specific percentage windows and options to re-roll certain stats.

Hopefully this gives Division players a better idea as to how to tailor their gear, specifically if they want to focus on dealing out the most damage. Obviously there are other ways to spec your character, like focusing on a sniper classor going for a solo build, but this is a clear path towards making an impact right away.

Tom Clancy’s The Division is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: Reddit