Trailers for PS3’s ‘Puppeteer’ and ‘Until Dawn’ are Creepy

Gamescom has proven to be one of the biggest events of the entire year for gaming news, but a majority of the credit can be taken by Sony for that.

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Gamescom has proven to be one of the biggest events of the entire year for gaming news, but a majority of the credit can be taken by Sony for that. The PlayStation 3/Vita manufacturer has been hard at work on recruiting top-tier talent to work on exclusive content for their consoles. Be it Media Molecule’sor the latest character reveals for Battle Royale , PlayStation users have a lot to look forward to.

With all of this major news, however, some of the smaller announcements are bound to get lost in the shuffle. Lesser known titles are easily overlooked in the wealth of information currently pouring out of Germany, and the PS3 exclusives Puppeteer and Until Dawn are two more prime examples. Each game has its own respective niche that’ll draw in a wide audience of gamers. Whether it’s horror or a puppet-themed adventure, PlayStation will provide fans with some very unique content in the coming months.


Japan Studios may already be hard at work on the downloadable rain for PS3, but that hasn’t stopped them from trying their hand at yet another exclusive for Sony’s home console. Puppeteer stars a young boy by the name of Kutaro, who is kidnapped by the evil “Moon Bear King” and turned into a puppet. Whilst in this form, Kutaro’s head is consumed by the horrendously named tyrant, and his body is thrown away. Headless and out for revenge, the boy comes across a pair of magical scissors that can help him even the score with MBK, get his head back, and return home.


Both of these games each have their own niche, and should end up being enjoyable. Puppeteer looks like it has the potential to be one of the best platformers of 2013, and we can’t wait to see how the final product turns out. Until Dawn also has the potential to be something special, and we’ll keep our fingers crossed that it capitalizes on the underutilized PS Move technology.

Puppeteer and Until Dawn will both be available at some point in 2013, exclusively on the PS3.

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