Gamespresso is hosting eSports tournaments!

The team that wins the event will win media coverage on Gamespresso for four weeks, in addition to $30.

EDIT: As many people have asked, the region is NA as indicated on the Battlefypage.

Gamespresso’s first tournament, “Gamespresso Heroes Open” is tomorrow, March 26th at 11am EST . You can sign up on the Battlefypage, and tune in to the Twitchaccount for live coverage .

The team that wins the event will win media coverage on Gamespresso for four weeks, in addition to $30. We are pleased to announce (another!) partnership with Matcherino, a crowd funding service for eSports tournaments. We hope to increase our prize pool for all tournaments through this service.

Here at Gamespresso we are very excited to announce our first eSport tournament!

Starting today, Teams of 5 (and free agents!) can sign up for our first “ Gamespresso Heroes Open”! The tournament is geared towards amateur and semi-pro teams in Heroes of the Storm; the prize pool being coverage for your team for 4 weeks following the event.

“The team that wins this event will win media coverage on the Gamespresso website for four weeks with a minimum of at least one piece a week in addition to a longer piece about the team and their plans for the future.”

At the moment we do not have a cash prize pool for the tournaments, but we do plan on expanding it in the future as we hope to continue to hold monthly eSports competitions.

We are currently partnering with RCS to help run the tournament, and you can find the Battlefy sign up for the Gamespresso Heroes Open here.

For those interested in watching the action instead of jumping in themselves, the tournament will have live coverage from casters Ben ‘bmak_try’ Ayres-Kerrand Antonio ‘bleedies’ Casas. Both have proven to be incredibly professional from past tournaments, and we couldn’t be more excited to be bringing them on board for the event.

With coverage airing on Gamespresso’s official Twitch channel, the tournament will be held March 26th, 2016 starting at 11am EST. There are 16 slots available for teams, and we are following a double elimination bracket with no winner’s advantage in the Bo3 finals.

With our 4 week rotation in place for tournaments we are hoping to get some great coverage for semi-pro teams that would otherwise be ignored in the eSports scene.

Gamespresso is eager to start supporting eSports as a whole, and therefore hope to branch off into other games soon. This will lead to great matches, from a variety of games and gamers, for everyone to enjoy and participate in!

For even more information about the tournament in the weeks to come, as well as all your gaming news, reviews, and features, stay tuned to Gamespresso.