April 23rd is Gamespresso’s second Heroes of the Storm tournament!

Gamespresso’s second official eSports tournament will be held this Saturday, April 23rd at 1pm EST / 12pm CST / 11am PST.

Gamespresso is hosting another Heroes of the Storm tournament on April 23rd at 1pm EST / 12pm CST / 11am PST The event will be cast by Ben ‘bmak_try’ Ayres-Kerrand Antonio ‘bleedies’ Casas The prize pool is currently 4 weeks of coverage for the winning team + any prize donated to the Matcherino pool You can sign up on the Battlefy page The tournament is for the NA(North America) region

Starting today, Teams of 5 (and free agents!) can sign up for our second “ Gamespresso Heroes Open”! The tournament is geared towards amateur and semi-pro teams in Heroes of the Storm; the prize pool being coverage for your team for 4 weeks following the event.

“The team that wins this event will win media coverage on the Gamespresso website for four weeks with a minimum of at least one piece a week in addition to a longer piece about the team and their plans for the future.”

At the moment we do not have a guaranteed cash prize for the tournament, but we do plan on expanding it in the future as we hope to continue to hold monthly Heroes of the Storm tournaments.
Any prize pool we do receive will be through Matcherino, a site dedicated to crowd fundingeSport tournaments.

With coverage airing on Gamespresso’s official Twitch channel, the tournament will be held April 23rd, 2016 starting at 1pm EST / 12pm CST / 11am PST. The tournament will be following a Bo1 single elimination format until the semi-finals, at which point we will be continuing with a Bo3 single elimination format.

With our 4 week rotation in place for tournaments we are hoping to get some great coverage for semi-pro teams that would otherwise be ignored in the eSports scene.

Gamespresso is eager to start supporting eSports as a whole, and therefore hope to branch off into other games soon. This will lead to great matches, from a variety of games and gamers, for everyone to enjoy and participate in!

For even more information about the tournament in the weeks to come, as well as all your gaming news, reviews, and features, stay tuned to Gamespresso.

Note: For the tournament previously, on March 23rd, we are still coordinating with the winning team for coverage on our site. Stay tuned for more information regarding Globe Gluttony!

The original announcement for Gamespresso hosting eSports can be found here.