Dark Souls 3: how to get the best ending

Dark Souls 3: how to get the best ending
Sunday, 6 March 2016 07:42 GMT By Staff
Multiple endings.

Multiple endings. What fate will you choose? Prepare for massive spoilers .


Dark Souls 3: how to get the best ending

Many Dark Souls 3 players won’t make it to the end, but those who do will face a choice.

Without going into too much detail – after all, you want to enjoy a reward for you efforts in finishing the game – every player who advances as far as the final boss will be offered a choice.

However, just as with Bloodborne, those who have met a very specific set of conditions along the way will have more options. Here’s how to unlock each of the three main endings as well as the variant ending.

Ending #1: To Link the Fire defeat the Soul of Cinder boss in the Kiln of the First Flame use the bonfire in the Kiln of the First Flame
Ending #2: The End of Fire obtain the Eyes of a Firekeeper key item from the Untended Graves gift the Eyes of a Firekeeper to the Fire Keeper in Fire Link Shrine defeat the Soul of Cinder boss in the Kiln of the First Flame use the summon sign by the bonfire in the Kiln of the First Flame
Ending #2: The End of Fire – variant obtain the Eyes of a Firekeeper key item from the Untended Graves gift the Eyes of a Firekeeper to the Fire Keeper in Fire Link Shrine defeat the Soul of Cinder boss in the Kiln of the First Flame use the summon sign by the bonfire in the Kiln of the First Flame as the screen fades to black, mash the attack key
Ending #3: Usurpation of Fire never allow the Fire Keeper to cure the Dark Sigil recruit Yoel of Londor on first visit to Foot of the High Wall achieve level 20 Hollowing (die a lot) to allow Yoel of Londor to draw out the player’s true strength five times before defeating Aldrich regularly exhaust dialogue with Yuria of Londor after Yoel’s death meet with Anri of Astora on first visit to Halfway Fortress on Road of Sacrifices, exhaust dialogue meet with Anri of Astora at Firelink Shrine after defeating Deacons of the deep, exhaust dialogue meet with Anri of Astora at Catacombs of Carthus twice , exhaust dialogue, immediately kill Horace at Smouldering Lake. meet with Anri of Astora at Church of Yorshka bonfire in Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, exhaust dialogue, and do not kill the assassin in this room visit the Darkmoon Tomb in Anor Londo and speak to a pilgrim to marry Anri of Astora and accept their dark sigils defeat the Soul of Cinder boss in the Kiln of the First Flame usurp the flame

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