Check out these screenshots of Street Fighter 5’s next character, Guile

The next character to be released for Street Fighter V will be Guile.

The next character to be released for Street Fighter V will be Guile. Screenshots of him were released on Capcom’s Facebook page.

Capcom confirmed in a Capcom-Unity blog postthat Guile will be released in Street Fighter V’s upcoming April update. Guile will be free to everyone until the arrival of the Zenny shop. Also being released is the game’s first DLC arena: the Air Force Base. The arena will be sold for 70,000 Fight Money. Season pass owners will receive the stage for free. You can check out the screenshots below.

Capcom had announced that Guile would be one of six DLC characters coming to Street Fighter V during the PlayStation Experience in 2015. The game’s first DLC fighter, Alex, was released in March. Alex is available for all players until the Zenny shop arives.

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Street Fighter V’s April update will also bring with it the system to punish rage-quitters. Players who have high disconnect rates will be locked out of matchmaking for some time. Capcom stated that they will make additions and enhancements to the system in the future. The April update will also include matchmaking improvements, including looser restrictions on finding an opponent, which should help U.S. players get into matches. The update does not have a concrete release date yet.