Rock Band 4 PC crowdfunding campaign fails with 52% funding

Earlier this year, Harmonix launched a crowdfunding campaign looking to make the first ever Rock Band game on PC.

looking to make the first ever Rock Band game on PC. Originally asking for $1.5 million, the campaign has now sadly failed with just under $800,000.

Far from a simple port, Harmonix hoped to use the infrastructure of Steam Workshop to bring back Rock Band Network, allowing gamers to create and share their own music tracks.

Posting on the crowdfunding page, Harmonix stated, “How do we feel about the end of the campaign? Disappointed, obviously. There’s no shortage of people at Harmonix who love Rock Band, and some of us got extra excited at the prospect of bringing back RBN, and even more about getting the chance to expose RB to a brand new audience.”

Continuing, the developer explained, “But at the same time we learned exactly what we needed to learn: there doesn’t seem to be enough of an audience to make Rock Band for PC a viable project for us right now… [As] an independent developer we have to be careful about how much money and development time we risk on a project we’re not sure has a big enough audience…”

Quick to not let the situation seem too glum, Harmonix concluded saying, “Once again, we want to send a huge ‘Thank You’ to everyone who supported us, said they were going to support us, talked about us to their friends, or even just told us what we were doing wrong (seriously). This campaign has been educational and informative for us on many levels, and we look forward to the next challenge with anticipation and joy.”

As we learn more about what’s next for Rock Band and Harmonix, you’ll find it all right here on Gamespresso. Are you sad there won’t be a PC Rock Band 4? Let us know in the comments.