Sixty-One GM Victim Compensation Claims Approved For Payout

As of last Friday, 30 fatality and 31 injury claims have been approved for payout from the General Motors victim compensation fund created in the wake of the February 2014 ignition recall, and helmed by the staff of appointed attorney Kenneth Feinberg.

Recalled GM ignition switch

The Detroit News reports a total of 1,580 were filed between August 1 and last week, consisting of 193 fatality claims, 102 serious injury claims, and 1,286 claims for less-serious injuries.

Regarding eligibility for payout, around 90 to 100 claims were declared ineligible, while the vast majority were still under review.

On the settlement front, offers were made to 31 victims and their families, 21 of whom accepted the terms with the remaining offers expected to be accepted. Deputy fund administrator Camile Biros added that the first checks are almost ready for issuing.

The window for filing closes on December 31, while verifications will continue into the new year.