Watch Dogs 2 is possibly in development

Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs is apparently getting a sequel, according to one of the senior gameplay programmers.

VideoGamerwas able to grab a screenshot of Julien Risse’s LinkedIn profile before the title was taken down. It states that he is currently working on Watch Dogs 2. The title was removed shortly after, but luckily for us, they grabbed proof. Now, it could have been put there just to start speculation, but it also could have been completely unintentional.

There has been a strong indication that a sequel would one day be on it’s way. Earlier this year, creative director Jonathan Morin expressed views on the flawed original game and stated that Ubisoft needed to take riskswith any possible sequel that may happen.

Ubisoft has declined to speak out regarding the matter. A safe bet would be to keep all eyes open during this year’s E3. They normally hold their press conference on Tuesdays, which will be June 16th this year.