Super Mario Maker Player Finally Beats Nearly Impossible Level

Super Mario Maker level creator and player Docta El creates and beats a nearly impossible level he made in the game called Surgical Shells 2.0. See his feat right here.

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Leave it to Nintendo fans to use Super Mario Maker to create what has to be one of the most absurd challenges in gaming history.level creator and player Docta El has done just that, unleashing a level onto the world that would make even the best Super Mario players pull their hair out.

The level, called The ER: Surgical Shells 2.0, took its own creator 45 hours and 53 minutes to complete, and is packed to the gills with hazards that can prematurely end the life of everyone’s favorite plumber – all in the eye-pleasing visual aesthetic of Super Mario World . Since Docta El was able to overcome these obstacles and beat the level (an accomplishment which may or may not have brought him to tears), it has now been uploaded for the rest of the world to torture themselves with.

Saying that Docta El’s Surgical Shells 2.0 level in Super Mario Maker is one of the most difficult video game levels ever created is not an exaggeration. The pure skill necessary to complete the level is not to be understated, and overall it’s a testament to both Docta El’s skills as a level creator and a player that he was able to devise, let alone complete, such a maddening stage. To put things into perspective, even if Super Mario Maker ‘s post-launch checkpointswere added to it, Surgical Shells 2.0 would still be nearly impossible.

Docta El’s insane Super Mario Maker level can be seen in action right here:

As can be seen in Docta El’s video, he utilized a number of advanced Super Mario Maker platforming tricks in order to finally pass the stage. This included using Yoshi in unique ways, purposefully taking damage to render Mario temporarily invincible, and bouncing off plenty of shells. If one has any desire to try to replicate Docta El’s success, or perhaps even beat the level faster, feel free to download it using this Course ID: FD1F-0000-021B-DC81

Looking at the success of Super Mario Maker , it comes as no surprise that Nintendo is rumored to be porting to the game to the NX. With plenty of quality, memorable levels like Docta El’s Surgical Shells 2.0 already built by the community, NX gamers will be in for a treat if rumors of a Super Mario Maker NX portturn out to be true.

Super Mario Maker is currently available for Wii U.

Source: Docta El