Batman: Arkham Knight’ E3 Gameplay Trailer Shows Batmobile in Action

‘Batman: Arkham Knight’ E3 Gameplay Trailer Shows Batmobile in Action
Batman: Arkham Knight has received a few incredibly impressive cinematic trailers so far, but up until tonight, gameplay footage was in short supply for the upcoming final chapter in RockSteady’s Batman series.

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series. That all changed this evening during the Sony E3 2014 presentation when audiences were treated to nearly five minutes of gameplay footage.

The Arkham games have always been visually stunning, but the new-gen installment in the franchise really takes things to the next level. The environments, the movement of Batman and his enemies, and every detail of the city are all incredibly well-polished. The footage kicks off with Bruce suiting up while talking to Oracle and the action doesn’t slow down for the next four minutes.

Although watching Batman walk around and glide over the city was impressive enough to get us excited for the game, the main attraction of the gameplay footage was the focus on the Batmobile. The vehicle has been the main talking point since the game was announced, so it’s no surprise to see a large chunk of the trailer’s time dedicated to Batman’s main source of transportation and heavy artillery.

Batmobile vs Tanks

We’d seen a sneak peak of the Batmobile speeding through the city in a previous gameplay preview, but the new footage gives us our first real look at the ride’s transformation into Battle Mode. The car shifts into tank mode and unleashes a number of weapons when the headlights switch from blue to red and from there it leaves a trail of debris everywhere it goes.

The high-powered weapons will be used to blast through tanks and other large obstacles that would slow Batman down as he races across the enormous Gotham map. The side-to-side strafing does look a little strange in action, but it might make more sense once we’ve had some hands-on experience with the combat. Once the fighting wraps up, we get to see the Batmobile’s eject function, which leads right into the new and improved glide ability.

Sony confirmed that the PS4 version of the game will offer exclusive Scarecrow Nightmare missions.

Are you looking forward to the focus on the Batmobile in Arkham Knight or would you rather the game concentrate on small scale combat? Let us know in the comments.

Batman: Arkham Knight will be released on PC, PS4 and Xbox One in 2015.

Follow Denny on Twitter @ The_DFC.