Fallout Modders Already Preparing Fallout 4 Mods

Gamers have had a steady flow of games to keep them preoccupied thus far, but anticipation for a title like Fallout 4 is still an all consuming beast in and of itself.

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is still an all consuming beast in and of itself. Understandably, fans are eager to dive into the vast,landscape that awaits them in Bethesda’s next major installment in the series, but that studio doesn’t have the only individuals coding in preparation for the game’s launch.

The first known mod currently in development forwill be a customizable weapon, which is sure to become a favorite amongst gamers looking for an extra level of customizable depth. Best of all, the weapon is already well into development and should be ready shortly after Bethesda makes the game’s mod tools available.

The modder responsible for the new weapon is none other than Zealotlee, which many may remember for their work on Fallout 3 . The individual created the adaptive combat rifle mod for the aforementioned title, as well as contributed to Project Nevada in, and now details on Zealotlee’s first ever Fallout 4 mod has been shown off – albeit still in its early stages.

Building off of the adaptive combat rifle mod, the new Rail Rifle has already been shaped and is more or less awaiting final textures. Suffice to say, it should be an interesting addition to the game, and it’ll add a new level of customization that hasn’t been present in the core series thus far. That’s, of course, assuming Bethesda doesn’t have plans for complex and customizable weaponry in the forthcoming iteration.

Mods are set to be a major factor in Fallout 4 too, and that’s thanks largely to the fact that Xbox One users will be able to download and apply themto their copy of the game on that console. Users also won’t have to pay a penny for the mods, they apply to their games. Admittedly, it’ll be interesting to see how that impacts achievements, but it’ll be interesting to see how the community continues to help the title grow and evolve post-launch.

There are sure to be a plethora of additional fan-made add-ons popping up in the months leading up to and following Fallout 4 ‘s release. It’ll become even more interesting to see what happens after the appropriate tools are in the hands of the community currently building around the game, so stay tuned to Game Rant for more details on any noteworthy mods added to the game.

What do you think of people already prepping mods for Fallout 4 ? What kind of community-created content would you like to see in the future? Get at us in the comments.

Fallout 4 arrives for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on November 10, 2015.

Sources: Bethesda Forums& Imgur