South Park: The Stick of Truth’ New Gameplay Vids, Pre-Order Bonuses; No Uplay

‘South Park: The Stick of Truth’ New Gameplay Vids, Pre-Order Bonuses; No Uplay
South Park: The Stick of Truth may just be the most authentic take on TV’s 2D township the games industry has yet produced.

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may just be the most authentic take on TV’s 2D township the games industry has yet produced. In keeping with the spirit of the show, and in particular its abundant love of funny, unfunny and somehow funny again skits, this soon-to-be-released title has tweaked and tested fans with an increasingly erratic schedule.

Announced in 2011and delayed in 2012, promised for, and finally (hopefully) delivered in Marchof this year, Obsidian‘s outlandish RPG has plenty to live up to where rampant hype and expectation is concerned. Thankfully, the game does at least look the part, with 3 new videos showcasing the series’ effortless transition from screen to software.

Kicking off with a brief “sizzle reel” spot — available to view above – and featuring appearances from the likes of zombie Chef, Proffessor Chaos and a pair of convincingly attired ‘Visitors,’ the cameos continue in two additional promos – featuring a Mr. Hankey themed sewer level and a nazified ginger kid.

In other South Park news, Ubisoft has revealed that the title will not require the company’s own Uplay platform in order to launch on PCs. Unlike EA, with its Origin digital system — which necessitates a login for games including Titanfall – Ubi’s smaller format should have no bearing on how players choose to use their copies of The Stick of Truth .Also unlike Origin, the game will appear on Valve’s Steam network, where it can currently be pre-ordered for $59.99.

Included in the price of the game is a special pre-order incentive — the so-called ‘Ultimate Fellowship Pack,’ featuring 4 stat boosting costumes. Necromancer Sorcerer Costume: Bonus Fire Damage Ranger Elf Costume: Bonus Weapon Damage Rogue Assassin Costume: Bonus Gold Holy Defender Costume: Bonus Defenses

Given the game’s next-gen asking price, fans are unlikely to take a chance on the title without having first consulted a number of critical reviews. Even then, at $60 a pop, many gamers will likely hold out for a significant price drop, bringing the title more in line with other current-gen releases, such as Fable Anniversary ($40). With two major delays already endured, it’s a real shame fans are being asked to pick between such a hefty sum and suffering another extended wait.

Is $60 a fair price to pay for South Park: The Stick of Truth ? What kind of pre-order incentives would you like to see from the game? Does a lack of Uplay connectivity help or hinder Ubisoft’s growing platform? Let us know in the comments below, and be sure to check in with all of the latest Ubisoft news, right here on Game Rant.

South Park: The Stick of Truth releases March 4, 2014 in North America and March 7, 2014 throughout Europe. The title is currently being developed for Xbox 360, PC and PlayStation 3 platforms.

You can follow Sam on Twitter @GamingGoo.

Source: Escapist, IncGamers