Ronda Rousey Talks Pokemon, Mortal Kombat, & World of Warcraft on Reddit

Earlier this week, we posted a feature on 10 surprising celebrity gamers , and by far one of the most interesting celebrities featured on the list is “Rowdy” Ronda Rousey.

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, and by far one of the most interesting celebrities featured on the list is “Rowdy” Ronda Rousey. The current UFC Bantamweight Champion is known for her absolute dominance in the Octagon, but she’s also received attention for being very open about her hobbies and interests, most notably her love of gaming.

Rousey has previously discussed her obsession withat length, noting that she was even a moderator on a Pokemon forumas a kid. Her profile on that forum reveals that her interests in gaming extend far beyond Pokemon as well, calling out specific games such as Jak & Daxter and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time . Now Rousey has opened up on a Reddit Ask Me Anything thread, revealing even more about her gaming habits.

The Ronda Rousey AMA included more information about her affinity for Pokemon , as numerous people asked Rousey questions relating to Nintendo’s iconic pocket monsters. From the Reddit AMA, we now know Rousey’s favorite Pokemon is Mew, and we also know her preferences for fighting Pokemon .

When asked if she would rather fight one Mew-sized Mewtwo or 100 Mewtwo-sized Mews, Rousey chose one Mew-sized Mewtwo stating, “One Mew-sized Mewtwo, ‘cuz everyone knows that even though Mewtwo has better stats than Mew, 100 Mews totally overcome that.”

But if she could pick any Pokemon to fight, Rousey would choose the judo-inspired Throh, as she feels Throh would offer her the most challenge. With all this talk about Rousey fighting Pokemon, maybe our dream of Rousey appearing as a guest character in Pokken Tournament to fight Charizardcould become a reality? Or better yet, maybe she could be fan voted into Super Smash Bros .?

10 Surprising Celebrity Gamers - Ronda Rousay

10 Surprising Celebrity Gamers - Ronda Rousay

One would expect Rousey to be mostly interested in fighting games considering her career of choice, but the only fighting game she discussed in her AMA was Mortal Kombat . She didn’t say much about the game, except that her favorite character is Princess Kitana. Come to think of it, Rousey appearing as a guest character in Mortal Kombat X would be just as cool (and just as unlikely, unfortunately) as the fighter popping up in a Nintendo game. After all, who wouldn’t want to see Rousey take on Jason Voorheesor Predator?

Ronda Rousey dream video game appearances aside, she’s quickly building a reputation not only as the baddest woman on the planet, but also someone that is very relatable. Hopefully Rousey discusses her love of video games even more in the future.

While we covered all of the video game related questions that Rousey answered during her AMA, feel free to check out the entire Ronda Rousey Reddit AMA.

What do you think of “Rowdy” Ronda Rousey? Does her interest in video games make her more interesting than other fighters and celebrities?

Source: GameSpot