Black Ops 2’ Details Leaked: Rumored Killstreaks, Missions, and Perks

‘Black Ops 2’ Details Leaked: Rumored Killstreaks, Missions, and Perks
Hot on the heels of the first multiplayer trailer for Black Ops 2 comes even more details about Treyarch ‘s highly anticipated sequel, both in regards to the newly unveiled multiplayer and the single player campaign.

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‘s highly anticipated sequel, both in regards to the newly unveiled multiplayer and the single player campaign. A lot of what is detailed is unsubstantiated and piecemeal, but like the huge spoiler-filled reveal that occurred a few months before the release of Modern Warfare 3 , a lot of what is revealed falls in line with trailers and previously-released promotional materials.

As far as the multiplayer is concerned some, not all, of the kill streaks have been unveiled, a few of which were featured in the aforementioned trailer. Among those that are known are a few new killstreaks like the Drone Swarm (that pack of stealth planes that were hovering above in the trailer), the QR Drone (which is the quadrotor), and the Microwave Turret, along with what appear to be riffs on streaks from the first Black Ops.

UAV — Standard COD killstreak
Care Package — Standard COD kill streak
RC-XD — Same that was in Black Ops 1. Remotely control an RC car with explosives
on it.
Microwave Turret — Place this on the on the ground to trap enemies in a wave of
microwave energy. If the enemy is in it for too long, they die.
Death Machine – Same killstream from Black Ops 1.
Hellstorm Missile— Same to the Predator missle in MW3, except it can deploy a
cluster bomb before impact if the player wishes.
Multiple grenade launcher — A rapid fire grenade launcher.
QR Drone — Control a quadrotor, flying through the map, shooting enemies.
AI Tank — Similar to the assault drone in MW3
Sentry Gun — Your typical COD sentry gun. Can remotely control it.
Orbital VSAT — Similar to the Advanced UAV in MW3, but cannot be shot down, and has the enemies painted on minimap. Their position and directional information is shown in real time.
Single Seeker Drone — Launch a single seeker drone that flies into the air and seeks out the nearest enemy and kills them.
EMP —  Same as in MW3
Helicopter gunner — Control a helicopter gunner. Includes feature to move across map when player wishes to change position.
Lodestar — A plane that flies over the map. Player can control it shooting rockets down at the enemies.
Helicopter escort — Have a helicopter that follows you from above, shooting enemy players.
Attack Dogs — Same kill streak from Black Ops 1.
Drone Swarm —The top killstreak. Call in a swam of drones overhead that will seek
out and kill enemies.

Sincewon’t be sporting a new graphics engine, it makes sense that a lot of the old killstreaks be rolled into this sequel, but a few of the returners (like Attack Dogs) might once again mess with the balance of the multiplayer.

Along with the reveal of the new killstreaks came some details on new perks for Black Ops 2 — once again some familiar abilities along with some new ones. In actuality, most of those “revealed” are ones available in pasttitles, not just Treyarch-developed ones, and therefore are less likely to get fans excited.

Ghost- No information
Fast Hands — Swap weapons faster and throw grenades faster.
Dexterity— Climb obstacles faster
Lightweight— Either run faster, or run longer.. not much info on that.
Flak Jacket — Same as in Black Ops 1.
Tactical mask — Resistant against flash bangs, concussion grenades,
spikes, emp grnades
Cold blooded —No information

Those killstreaks and perks will be available across (at least) 11 multiplayer maps, which range in location from Los Angeles to Yemen. All that was detailed were the names and basic rundowns of the maps, but one in particular — that takes place aboard the U.S.S. Barack Obama — caught our eye.

Cargo / Dockside — Play through a Singapore shipping yard. Same as the strikeforce mission in single player
Aftermath — Play through some ruins of Los Angeles.
Hijacked — A close quarter map that takes place on a Yacht.
Slums — Play though slums in panama.
Drone — Play through a complex with docked aerial drones.
Power plant — Play through a Pakistan power plant.
Nightclub — Play in a  nightclub from the Al Jinan single player campaign .
Overflow — Takes place in Pakistan on in a business district.
Carrier — Takes place on an aircraft carrier U.S.S. Barack Obama from single player.
Turbine — Takes place in Yemen in a valley with crashed windmills.
Yemen — Takes place in suburban Yemen with close quarter buildings.

Black Ops 2 Screens - Quadrotor

Black Ops 2 Screens - Quadrotor

In addition to multiplayer information, the leak also ran players through what is seemingly the entire single player campaign, from the war torn Los Angeles-set missionfeatured heavily in the trailer, to a mission that, at one point, puts the player on horseback. It goes without saying that since this outline details many of the game’s story beats and Strike Force Missionsthat those afraid of spoilers should not read on

Afghanistan -The level that shows players riding horses in the trailer. This is a flashback mission. Meet up with Chinese soldiers to meet at a Mujahideen  base, who are willing to exchange info on Menendez in exchange from helping defend them against a Russian attack. The Mujahideen betray Mason and Woods at the end of the mission.

Angola — No information given. Rumored to be the first mission.

Panama — Mission name “Let it snow”. Flashback mission. Takes place in 1989 in the invasion of Panama. Capture dictator Manuel Noriega and plant false evidence to smear his name. Mission ends with the death of Mason. Woods thinks he is assassinating Menendez, but after he shoots and checks the body, it is revealed he actually just killed Mason. Woods is shot and Manuel Noriega escapes. Woods is then rescued.

Haiti — Possible final level and/or strike force mission.

Pakistan — No information given. However, speculation about this being a future mission, recording Menendez’s conversation, driving a car, and flying a helicopter.

Al Jinan — A floating city in the middle of the ocean. Obtain information on a weapon called

“Karma”. Go undercover as technicians and even user a remote controlled spider robot to control through vents to gain access to areas of the level. It is revealed that “Karma” is not a weapon, and is in fact a girl. Fight through a nightclub full of people and
an outdoor mall. At the end is a choice that will effect later on in the game. Karma is taken captive by enemies and you must stop her from escaping. Use a sniper rifle to either kill or disable her.

U.S.S. Barack Obama — An aircraft carrier. Menendez is held captive. While he is being interviewed, Menendez escapes while the Cordis Die group attacks. Near the end of the mission, player is able to actually play as Menendez, taking hostages, then escape while shooting gas grenades with a launcher.

Singapore (Strikeforce mission) — No information. Gameplay demos online show this level better than the info I had available.

Yemen(Strikeforce mission) — No information

Yemen (Non strikeforce, regular mission) — Play as Fahrid, an undercover informant. This mission contains a choice that can effect the rest of the story. Harper is taken captive and Mendez gives you a gun and tell you to shoot him. You can either choose to shoot and kill Harper to maintain your cover, or to shoot Menendez. If player chooses to shoot Menendez, he will grab your gun then shoot the player. Player then plays as Mason. In either decision, Mendez is captured at the end of the mission.

Nicaragua — Flashback mission with Woods and Mason.

Myanmar — Obtain a rare earth element from an enemy base. Start the mission in a squirrel suit flying through a rainy landscape.

Los Angeles — Shown in the E3 demo. Highlights include flying a jet and driving a truck.

A lot of what was revealed as part of this leak felt like known quantities that had yet to be confirmed, but that could be inferred based on previous details or closer examination of the game’s trailers. Nonetheless it’s hard to overlook anything Black Ops 2 related as the sequel is poised to once again top its predecessorin terms of sales.

Will a lot of what has leaked be part of the finished product? We can’t say, but what we do know is that the series will once again be putting the pedal to the metal and delivering a high-octane first person shooter experience.

What aspect of this leaked Black Ops 2 information most intrigues you: the single player or the multiplayer stuff? Were you expecting something a little more evolved?

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 releases November 13, 2012 for the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC.

Source: Dual Shockers