Fallout 4 Director Talks Making Loot Better

With less than two months to go before Fallout 4 officially becomes available, fans are undoubtedly stockpiling their bottle caps in order to make sure they’ll have enough funds to buy it on the game’s launch day.

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in order to make sure they’ll have enough funds to buy it on the game’s launch day. Everything Bethesda has revealed thus far definitely proves that the development team has put an exorbitant amount of work into, making sure the release not only retains familiar elements of the post-apocalyptic franchise, but also rejuvenates the series by way of refinements such as new perk system upgrades.

While Bethesda is a game developer that’s become known for creating gigantic worlds, it’s their meticulous eye for small details that helps make those landscapes become more real and inhabitable. Taking that into consideration, the Maryland-based studio’s inclusion of the ability to customize weapons, armor, and settlementsdefinitely gives Fallout 4 a more life-like and lived-in feeling.

During a Bethesda.net interview from E3 2015, Fallout 4 ‘s director, Todd Howard, discussed the intricate, and totally optional crafting system, explaining that practically every item players can interact with in the game ultimately has a purpose beyond monetary value. To put it succinctly, Howard says that objects don’t exist just to be “worth two caps.”

As seen in the video above, the Fallout 4 director makes it clear that Bethesda’s designers and developers took the time to imbue each and every responsive “component” with a function, giving players a wider range of choices as to what to do with goods rather than just sell them. Howard expounds upon the loot system in general, saying:

“The main gist of it is that we have all this junk around the world, so it sort of started like if you looked alchemy in Skyrim , but imagined that was on everything. The stuff at the beginning of the game that you would think is just crap and laying around, you would then realize, ‘Oh, I need the baby bottle, because it has X’. . . . You realize that, like, adhesive is [an] important element for building a lot of things, and you realize actually, duct tape and glue tend to be more valuable than grenades.

It also causes this very interesting economy in the game where traditionally you would pick everything up and just sell it, and now you pick it up and you say, ‘Well, I can make this out of this, or I could make this out of this, or maybe I do wanna sell it.'”

Fallout 4 is set to release on November 10, 2015 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Source: Bethesda Softworks(via GamesRadar)