Square Enix Stocks Rise After ‘Final Fantasy 7’ Remake Announcement

Many dreams came true yesterday during Sony’s E3 2015 press conference, and this was especially true when Square Enix came out on stage to announce it was doing a full on remake of the beloved Final Fantasy VII .

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. Of course, with the company already working onand, the announcement trailer for the long-desired remake was more of a promise than the dream becoming a reality.

The trailer for theremake received a lot of cheers and applause last night – a complete opposite of the audience’s reaction to the learning the original game would be ported to PS4 and Steam. Last night’s response was a sure sign that Square did something right, but live fan feedback wasn’t the only thing that represents the company’s latest move.

Bloomberg reportsthat Square Enix’s stocks saw an increase following their appearance at the Sony conference, rising 2.9 percent to 2,956 yen – its highest since 2008. It would seem as though more than just Final Fantasy fans are paying attention to Square, and provided the company makes good on the remake, it could end up being a huge (and highly profitable) release.

This is all the result of a cinematic trailer that showed nothing of the game itself, but nonetheless, almost certainly sent chills down the spines of many witnessing it. People have been begging for an FFVII remakefor years now, and the tech demo from years past only served to frustrate fans.

One has to wonder how long Square Enix has been working on the FFVII remake. Or, perhaps, after witnessing the underwhelming response to the aforementioned PS4 port, the company decided to finally tackle the project – despite the massive amount of time, money, and effort it will take to finish it.

Regardless, Square Enix is probably enjoying all the attention now, as well as the slight bump to their stocks, but there’s no telling how long this increase will last. Square Enix isn’t exactly known for putting out games quickly, and a beast as large as a Final Fantasy VII remake probably won’t see a release until 2017 (to mark the game’s 20th anniversary), at the earliest. By then, excitement may have dropped a bit, in addition to their stock value.

However, people have remained hopeful and enthusiastic about an updated version of Final Fantasy VII for quite some time now. What’s a couple of more years at this point?

Source: Bloomberg