Final Fantasy 15 Release Date Coming March 30

Final Fantasy 15 director Hajime Tabata confirms during the January Square Enix Active Time Report event that fans will finally have a release date soon.

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After a long decade spent in development that saw the game shift from being an extension of the Final Fantasy 13 series to an entirely new title in its own right, Final Fantasy 15 will have a concrete release date in just a few months time. While Hajime Tabata revealed during a panel at PAX Prime many months ago that the announcement of Final Fantasy 15 ‘s release datewould be in March, information regarding that announcement was scarce enough that some industry insiders began speculating that Final Fantasy 15 had hit another setback in development.

Luckily for RPG fans, at least the announcement of the release date is still on schedule, with an event in Los Angeles on March 30 called ‘Final Fantasy Uncovered’ serving as the location that will finally answer the biggest question left regarding Final Fantasy 15 . Once the announcement is made, gamers in every region can start to prepare for Noctis and company’s arrival, as Final Fantasy 15 will have a worldwide releaseto ensure nobody gets left out on day one.

Whether or not the actual date of release will stay true to Tabata’s word as well, however, remains to be seen. While Tabata has been adamant that Final Fantasy 15 will release in 2016, fans of the series and interested spectators alike have voiced concerns over the behind the scenes situation behind Tabata’s public confidence. After all, Final Fantasy 15 has been delayed in various forms for ten years, and it was only four months ago that the development team made a drastic change to Final Fantasy 15 ‘s automatic battle system, removing the weapon changing automation entirely.

If Tabata and the team at Square Enix are behind schedule, however, they’re doing a fine job convincing the gaming world they aren’t. After Weekly Jump scans of Final Fantasy 15 ‘s magic combatleaked a week ago, gamers believed the January ATR event would focus on more battle footage than the past Final Fantasy 15 events have, and they were right. Alongside the introduction of Aranea Highwind, a female Dragoon character, the event showcased more magic highlights that included the way the player’s environment will dictate the effectiveness of their magic use.

final fantasy 15 combat aranea noctis

final fantasy 15 combat aranea noctis

If seeing more of Aranea and the other characters live during the reveal of the game’s release date is something fans are interested in, Square Enix is also offering the ability to RSVP for Final Fantasy Uncovered beginning Friday, February 5 at 4pm PT on the event’s official website. For those gamers who can’t make it out to Los Angeles for the reveal, Square Enix will also be hosting a live stream of the event on its YouTube and Twitch channels.

Final Fantasy 15 is set to release in 2016 for Xbox One and PS4.

Source: IGN