Fallout 4 Battle: 30,000 Deathclaw vs 300 Brotherhood of Steel

An ardent Fallout 4 fan puts together a giant brawl between two of the Wasteland’s most formidable forces, as 30,000 Deathclaws take on 300 Brotherhood of Steel soldiers.

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If there’s one thing that’s for certain about Fallout 4 , it’s that the game offers players plenty of opportunities to get into meaty scraps, but rarely, if ever, will fans of Bethesda’s post-apocalyptic RPG get the chance to take part in a battle as big as the one Cosmic Contrarian has cooked up. As seen in the video below, the YouTuber has pitted two of the Boston Commonwealth‘s most formidable forces against one another, with 30,000 Deathclaws duking it out against 300 members of the Brotherhood of Steel.

With so many units taking part in the conflict, the skirmish itself is overwhelming to say the least. Plus, thosefans who are dedicated enough to stick it out to the end of the nearly 20 minute clip ought to get an unexpected surprise once the action reaches a fever pitch and brings the battle of epic proportions to its grand finale.

This isn’t the first time that Cosmic Contrarian has staged a clash using Fallout 4 assets. A couple of weeks prior to releasing the above footage, the YouTuber organized a smaller scale version of the conflict between man and beast, with 1000 Deathclaws against 100 Brotherhood of Steel, which was almost equally as claustrophobic and cacophonous.

Taking all of this into consideration, it’s obvious that Cosmic Contrarian loves Fallout 4 and has a penchant for seeing which faction in the game is the strongest. Not only has he filmed fights between Deathclaws and the Brotherhood of Steel, but he’s also put 10,000 Glowing Ghouls versus 100 Super Mutants. Not to mention, the YouTuber recently compiled a clip of the action-RPG’s biggest baddies taking on one another to in order to settle once and for all which Legendary enemy is the toughest.


As time marches on, we’ll probably see even more of these types of videos get produced, especially since so many people are fans of Fallout 4 and its over-the-top combat. And since the title’s Wasteland setting is filled with such a wide variety of intriguing characters, creatures, and humanoids, it makes sense for folks to be interested in seeing which entity can best the other.

At any rate, Fallout 4 has captured the attention of practically every gaming fan on the planet since its release just a few short weeks ago, and all of the fan-made content inspired by the title thus far is merely a byproduct of its popularity. Having said that, once the game’s Season Pass and DLCis released next year, most gamers will likely fall in love with the title all over again.

Fallout 4 is out now and is available for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Source: Cosmic Contrarian – YouTube